China's air transport logs 136 consecutive safe flight months

BEIJING, Jan. 12 (Xinhua) -- China's civil air transport sector has achieved 136 consecutive months of safe flight operations as of the end of December 2021, according to the civil aviation authorities.

Photo: VCG

China's civil aviation industry demonstrated its resilience and safety performance amid complicated conditions with intertwined difficulties during the pandemic period, said the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC).

As of the end of last December, China's civil air transport industry maintained 98.76 million hours of safe flight operation, showed data from the CAAC.

Meanwhile, the sector had achieved a new record of 235 consecutive months of security during operations.

This safety record is a lifeline that the civil aviation industry must maintain as a key priority, said the CAAC.

In 2022, China's civil aviation industry will continuously enhance safety measures as the industry will embrace a new record of safe flight operations over 100 million flight hours.

The civil aviation authorities will improve the risk prevention and control system, carry out investigation and rectification of risks, and transform the safety supervision model of the industry, the CAAC added.