Facial recognition, huge public screens used to shame jaywalkers in Beijing
People's Daily app
Video cameras, huge video screens and facial recognition software are being used in Beijing’s Zhongguancun high tech district to fight jaywalking. (Photos: VCG & Beijing Youth Daily)
Screens and cameras were installed this week at several intersections. The camera records people as they cross the street. When the traffic light turns red, an image of jaywalkers immediately appears on the giant screen.
For five seconds, the image will show the jaywalker in action, followed by a five second closeup of the jaywalker’s face, with the eyes covered by a digital mosaic.
The screen rotates through the five most recent jaywalkers in a loop.
This system, called the “Exposure Screen of Jaywalking on Right Lights,” was first installed in April in a suburb of Beijing, at the intersection of the Guiyou Building on Jingjin Road in Tongzhou district. (Compiled by Zhang Jian)