People's Daily Tonight: Podcast News (6/19/2018 Tue.)
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This is People’s Daily Tonight, your news source from China. 


US, South Korea agree to suspend joint military exercise


The United States and South Korea agree to suspend joint military exercises scheduled for August.

This, following President Donald Trump's pledge to end “war games” after last week's summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.

Many current and former US defense officials only learned of the decision to halt military exercises in South Korea when Trump made his remarks.

The US-South Korean exercise calendar hits a high point every spring with the Foal Eagle and Max Thunder drills. (Xinhua)


Kim Jong-un visits China again


Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Workers' Party of Korea and chairman of the State Affairs Commission of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, is visiting China again from June 19 to 20.

This is Kim's third visit to China this year since March.

Kim’s trip comes a week after his summit in Singapore with US President Donald Trump. (Xinhua-People’s Daily app)


4 dead, hundreds injured as quake rocks Japan


Japanese authorities say the 6.1-magnitude earthquake in Osaka killed at least four people and injured 350 others.

Among those killed was a 9-year-old girl on her way to school.

An outer wall at her school's swimming pool collapsed.

A man in his 80s was also confirmed dead after his house in Osaka was leveled. (Reuters)


China vows strong countermeasures: MOC


The Chinese Ministry of Commerce vows strong retaliatory measures to counter the US’ additional $200 billion tariffs on Chinese products.

US President Donald Trump requested the United States Trade Representative to identify $200 billion worth of Chinese goods for additional tariffs at a rate of 10 percent in retaliation for China’s decision to raise tariffs on $50 billion in US goods.

The ministry says that if the US loses its senses and releases the list, China will have to take a strong countermeasure equivalent to the amount and effect. (People's Daily app)


Trump orders to build "seperate but equal" space force


US President Donald Trump announces a space force as the sixth branch of the US armed forces.

He describes the new force as "separate but equal" with the US Air Force.

A previous proposal put forward by the House Armed Services last June pointed to the establishment of a space corps under the command of the Air Force.

At the time, Defense Secretary James Mattis rejected the idea. 

Trump has assigned the task to the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, Joseph Dunford. (Xinhua)


Proposed tax threshold lifted to 60,000 yuan per year


A draft amendment to increase the minimum threshold for personal income taxes from 3,500 yuan per month to 5,000 yuan has been submitted to China’s top legislature for review.

Other revisions include levying a comprehensive tax on personal incomes, labor services income, contribution fees and disclosure fees.

For the first time, an additional tax for expenditures, like child education expenditures, continuing education expenditures and medical expenditures, will be deducted. (People’s Daily app)


Beijing subways to get bio-ID system


And Beijing plans to introduce bio-recognition technology at subway stations this year.

This, to improve transport efficiency and reduce costs.

Authorities are considering facial recognition and palm touch.

Beijing has 22 urban railway lines covering over 600 kilometers.

More than 10 million people ride the city's subway trains every weekday. (China Daily)


And that’s People’s Daily Tonight. Thanks for joining us.

(Produced by David Nye, Qu Qiuyan and Liang Peiyu)