People's Daily Tonight: Podcast News (6/30/2018 Sat.)
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Blind boy's gaokao score ranks in Shanghai top 10

Wang Yun, a student from a school for the blind, received a high score of 623 in this year's national college entrance exam, also known as gaokao, only 3 points behind the top scorer in Shanghai, gaining wide attention and appreciation from web users.


Wang Yun (Photos:

Showing a calm mind when faced with such high odds, Wang has been called "the calmest super-scholar" by netizens. His personality is closely related to his upbringing.

Born in Shanghai, Wang Yun went completely blind at the age of 4 due to retinal damage, according to the Xinmin Evening News.

Wang's parents, who are a professor and an associate professor at Donghua University, never labeled him an "exceptional child," and encouraged him to do things by himself. 

"Parents should let their children be independent so that they have space to develop themselves," said Wang's mother.


Wang Yun (right) runs with his father.

Influenced by his parents, Wang developed the habit of living independently and had a variety of interests. He passed the bamboo flute grade examination stage 8 when he was a primary school student and had also participated in the local disabled art orchestra.

He also founded a group called "blind maker" with his classmates in blind school. They designed a group logo, operated an official WeChat account and even took part in a charity running program for blind children in Tibet, hoping to give them a brighter future. 

"As blind people, we could not choose to see the world, but we could let the world see us with our warm hearts and confidence," said Wang in his speech at his blind school's 105th anniversary.


Wang Yun makes his speech as a student representative in the blind school's 105th anniversary.

Wang has not decided which university to apply to so far, because he has already dedicated the summer vacation to a self-developed learning plan. However, according to Wenhui News, top universities including Tsinghua have already extended olive branches.

Development of special education in Shanghai has become a solid foundation for blind children. They have equal opportunities like normal-sighted children when it comes to education. For example, blind children receive special examination papers in braille with a longer examination time when they sit gaokao, the Xinmin Evening News reported. (People's Daily Online)

And that's People's Daily Tonight.  Thanks for joining us.

(Produced by Han Xiaomeng and Zhao Dantong)