Village prospers with the popularity of red tourism
By Li Bowen
People's Daily app

From poverty to prosperity, Xinshan Village has made a huge step forward with the help of red tourism. 



Red tourism is aimed at encouraging patriotism through visiting historical sites that mark CPC's achievements in the revolution. 

Located in the southeast of Shanwei City, Guangdong Province, Xinshan Village has a red history. 

In the 1920s, many Xinshan villagers committed themselves to revolution activities under the leadership of Peng Pai, a revolutionist known for launching several peasant campaigns. Local authorities have retrieved at least 18 names of those who gave their lives for their revolutionary ideals during that time. Among the heroes, seven were from one family. 

But the village has struggled with poverty for years. 

"There's only a tin house with a few scattered tables. We didn't even have a name for the restaurant," Lu Chengjian recalled when opening his small restaurant 20 years ago. 

In the old days, villagers relied heavily on farming to sustain their families. Young laborers began seeking job opportunities outside, leaving their families in the village. 109 households, a total of 348 people, were under the national poverty line.

"The business was slow. We barely kept our heads above water," Lu said.


However, things have changed in the past two years. Local and provincial authorities have invested over 15 million yuan in the infrastructure of Xinshan village. At the same time, memorial sites in the village have been restored to educate the public about the village’s contribution to the revolution. To increase villagers’ income, Yuan Longping’s “super rice” technology has also been put into use on roughly 98 acres of rice paddies. 

Since 2019, Xinshan Village has attracted thousands of visitors every day. The number hits 10 thousand in holiday season. Local transportation officials have built a special course for visitors to go straight to the village.

The inflow of tourists inspired Lu to build up a three-floor building and start a business of agritainment instead. 200 villagers voluntarily returned home to start their own business. Coffee shops, souvenir stores, and eateries are now commonly seen in the village. A home inn is expected to open in the near future.

The popularity of red tourism has improved the villagers' financial situation. By the end of last year, the gross income of Xinshan Village exceeded 400, 000 yuan. Most of the poverty-stricken households have been lifted out of poverty.

The success of Xinshan Village achieved can be found in other rural parts of Guangdong province:

The Red Industrial Park of Xiapu Village sold approximately 400, 000 yuan worth of tickets during the Spring Festival of this year.