What is the spirit of Jiao Yulu?
People's Daily app

President Xi Jinping celebrated Jiao Yulu (1922-1964), a Party chief of Lankao county in Henan province, who died at his post, as a model for officials to revere. During a trip to the province in March 2014, Xi recalled that as a middle school student, he witnessed how his teacher could not hold back tears when reading a story about Jiao to the class.

Jiao is widely admired for his work in the county combating natural disasters and improving people's livelihood during the 1960s, and is known for his tireless spirit and public dedication. In one frequently told story of Jiao, he apparently refused to stay in the hospital despite suffering from liver cancer and worked until his death.

The spirit displayed by Jiao Yulu was exemplified by his love for the people and a perpetual sense of his mission to serve the people wholeheartedly. He refused to flinch in the face of difficulty, and exerted himself relentlessly on behalf of the people and the Party.