Young girl helps father awake from coma
By Da Hang
People's Daily app
A 10-year-old girl named Zhi is receiving a great deal of attention for waking her father from a vegetative state by helping him perform physical exercises and speaking with him every day. (VCG Photos)
Zhi's father got into an accident when he was coming home from a night shift about four years ago when Zhi was in kindergarten. Zhi’s father is lucky to have survived his injuries, as he needed several surgeries to keep from dying. Since the accident, Zhi has started caring for her father since Zhi's mother left the family two years ago. (VCG Photos)
Now in third grade, Zhi has received the merit award in honor from her school for her perseverance in helping her father and achievements in maintaining good grades during her difficult time.(VCG Photos)
Zhi's father recently woke up after about a year and a half after his accident – and Zhi is to thank for his recovery. However, Zhi's father is still disabled and suffers from many complications from his coma.(VCG Photos)
Zhi's grandparents are still working, despite being in their 60s, and are helping pay for their son's medical expenses. Despite their misfortunes, Zhi remains optimistic that her father will someday be back to normal.(VCG Photos)