Epic TV series 'Glory and Dream' to celebrate CPC centennial
By Zhang Rui
A behind-the-scenes photo shows director Liu Jiang giving instructions to actor Huang Xiaoming. [Photo courtesy of the film crew for "Glory and Dream"]
A still from the TV series "Glory and Dream" shows China's Communist army celebrating a victory. [Photo courtesy of the film crew for "Glory and Dream"]
A still from the TV series "Glory and Dream" shows a battle scene in action. [Photo courtesy of the film crew for "Glory and Dream"]
Director Liu Jiang and the three leading actress of "Glory and Dream," Gao Yuanyuan, Li Xiaoran, and Wang Tong, who play the three Soong sisters in the series. [Photo courtesy of the film crew for "Glory and Dream"]
A poster for "Glory and Dream," featuring its all-star cast. [Image courtesy of the film crew for "Glory and Dream"]