Egypt bans online games including "Blue Whale Challenge"



The Egyptian prosecution office said Saturday that it will block dangerous online games including the "Blue Whale Challenge."

"These games are dangerous, as they misguide youngsters to hurt themselves or their family members. They may also lead to committing suicide or murder," Egypt's top prosecutor Nabil Sadeq said in the statement.

A couple of depression and suicide cases have been reported in Egypt because of playing the Blue Whale Challenge, also known as Blue Whale Suicide Game, the most recent was a teenager son of a former Egyptian parliament member.

Sadeq said that such games "affect the safety and security of a large segment of Egyptian families, which is related to national security and higher interests."

Some psychiatrists say the 50-day Blue Whale Challenge is a psychological trap with weird daily tasks and challenges, such as watching horror movies, mutilating skin with a carving shape of whale on the arm and finally committing suicide.

The game is said to have been responsible for 130 suicide cases around the world between November 2015 and April 2016.