Palace museum releases picture books on ancient Chinese architecture

China's Palace Museum has released a series of picture books for children, giving young readers a glimpse into ancient Chinese architecture.

China's Palace Museum releases a series of picture books for children, giving young readers a glimpse into ancient Chinese architecture. (Photo:

The four-volume series is a co-production of the Forbidden City Publishing House and the Posts & Telecom Press, with its contents planned and reviewed by scholars and experts with the Palace Museum.

Evolving around the 600-year-old Forbidden City, the books also cover information from architectural design and construction to urban planning in ancient China, giving readers a panoramic view of the palace and the city of Beijing.

Over the past years, the museum has been trying to introduce traditional Chinese culture and benefit the public, especially children, with its publications, said Yan Hongbin, vice curator of the Palace Museum, adding that the newly released book series is another meaningful endeavor in this regard.

Located in central Beijing, the Palace Museum was established in 1925. It is based on the Forbidden City, an imperial palace of the Ming (1368-1644) and Qing (1644-1911) dynasties.