China's Fujian sees imports from B&R countries up 40pct on year in 2017

East China's Fujian province saw its imports from the countries along the Belt and Road routes in 2017 stand at 135.54 billion yuan, up about 40 percent year on year, the quoted Xiamen Customs as saying on Thursday.


File photos: VCG

Last year, Fujian's imports and exports with the Belt and Road countries totaled 356.54 billion yuan, showing the increasingly close economic and trade exchanges.

The Philippines, Indonesia and Saudi Arabia are the province's top three trade partners along the Belt and Road. In 2017, its imports and exports with the Philippines, Indonesia and Saudi Arabia stood at 50.74 billion yuan, 39.83 billion yuan and 35.25 billion yuan, up 11.3 percent, 45 percent and 21.6 percent year on year, respectively.