Chinese medical team to provide free cataract surgery to 200 Myanmar patients


Photo: VCG

YANGON, Aug. 30 (Xinhua) -- A Chinese medical team Friday launched a program to provide free cataract surgeries to 200 patients in Myanmar's Yangon under a Bright Journey program.

Set to last until Sept. 3, the program was jointly organized by China's Yunnan Provincial People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, Myanmar's Sitagu Shwe Pyi Hein Eye Hospital and Visakha Foundation.

So far, a total of 10 activities have been conducted by the Yunnan Provincial People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, treating 2,419 patients across Myanmar, said Jin Jing, an official from the association.

She also pledged continued efforts to conduct more activities under the Bright Journey program.

At Friday's launching ceremony, the association donated 9 million kyats (6,000 U.S. dollars) cash assistance and 15 sets of medical equipment to the Sitagu Shwe Pyi Hein Eye Hospital.

"I'm really pleased to get free surgery treatment under this program and would like to strongly support such bilateral cooperation between Myanmar and China, which will build concrete friendship between the two countries," Daw May Wai Thein, a 65-year-old patient from Dagon Seikkan township of Yangon, told Xinhua.

So far, over 6,000 patients were provided free surgery in about 30 brightness activities across Myanmar which were conducted by Chinese medical and charity organizations.