Huge drop of air pollution days in Northern China cities: environment ministry
By Kou Jiangze
People's Daily app


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A total of 13 cities in North China’s Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region enjoyed 68.5 percent of excellent air days in November, increasing by 31.6 percent compared to the same period of last year, Ministry of Environmental Protection said Thursday.

The highly concerned index of PM2.5 dropped to 60 micrograms per cubic meter, 41.2% lower from the same period last year.

According to the report, the BTH region has saw 55.6 percent of excellent air days from January to November, dropping by 3.7 percent on year-on-year basis, with PM2.5 index leveled last year’s at 63 micrograms per cubic meter.

(Compiled by Li Lei)