Putin re-elected as Russian president
By Qu Song
People's Daily app


Russian President Vladimir Putin (Photo via RT)

Moscow (People’s Daily) - Russia’s President Vladimir Putin officially won the presidential election, Russia’s Central Election Commission announced on Friday after declaring the vote valid.

As RT reported, according to the head of the commission, Ella Pamfilova, Putin won 76.69 percent of the vote, winning his third non-consecutive term as Russian president. Putin’s candidacy was supported by 56.43 million voters.

Communist Party candidate Pavel Grudinin came in second at 11.77 percent, with Liberal Democratic Party leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky winning 5.65 percent of the vote.

They were followed by Ksenia Sobchak (1.68 percent), Grigory Yavlinsky (1.05 percent), Boris Titov (0.76 percent), Maxim Suraykin (0.68 percent) and Sergey Baburin (0.65 percent).

Putin has already mapped out his main priorities for the forthcoming presidential term, saying that the domestic agenda will be of“primary importance.”

The president plans to work on improving the living standards of Russian citizens by promoting innovation and economic growth.