People's Daily Tonight: Podcast News (3/23/2018 Fri.)
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This is People's Daily Tonight, your news source from China.  


China to impose tariffs on seven categories of products from the US


China responds to unilateral protectionist trade practices by the US.

It warned the US it would take all necessary measures to defend its rights and interests.

A Commerce Ministry spokesman said China will absolutely not sit back and watch its legitimate interests be damaged.


China to conduct military training in South China Sea


China's People's Liberation Army Navy says it will conduct military training under combat conditions in the South China Sea.

It calls the training routine and part of the annual plan to hone the troops' combat capability.

It added that it is not aimed at any specific country or target. 


$1.3 trillion budget approved by US lawmakers


US lawmakers approve a $1.3 trillion budget.

But only some of it will go to the wall President Donald Trump wants to build with Mexico.

Much of the budget increases will go to military and domestic programs.


EU recalls ambassadors to Russia


European Union leaders agree to recall their ambassador to Moscow for consultations. 

It's a sign of unity behind British Prime Minister Theresa May in blaming Russia for a nerve agent attack in England.

Lithuania and France are among those willing to take action as well. 


China-India border affairs meeting held in New Delhi


China and India held the 11th round of meetings on border affairs.

The Chinese delegation was led by the Foreign Affairs Ministry's director general of the Department of Boundary and Oceanic Affairs, while the Indian delegation was led by its External Affairs Ministry's Joint Secretary for East Asia.


A stem cell therapy helps old patients regain vision


Scientists have helped two patients regain vision with a clinical trial of a stem cell therapy.

The two patients, a woman in her 60s and a man in his 80s, each had one eye implanted with a patch of stem cells. 

The number of letters each of them could read correctly off an eye chart increased dramatically after the procedure.


Hainan Airlines launches first direct flight between Beijing and Mexico City


Hainan Airlines now flies from Beijing to Mexico City.

It's the first Chinese airline direct flight between the capitals of the two countries.

The first flight between the cities landed at Mexico City's Benito Juarez International Airport Wednesday night.


And that's People's Daily Tonight.  Thanks for joining us.

(Produced by David Nye, Ni Tao and Shan Xin)