Inspired by bicycle sharing, 'Metro Gun Share Program' a hit in Chicago
By Wu Kai
People's Daily app

An art installation named "Metro Gun Share Program" is on display in Chicago's Daley Plaza until Wednesday.

The installation, commissioned by the Brady Center, a gun control advocacy group, was presented by the Escape Pod, a Chicago advertising agency.

The installation is equipped with 10 replicas of the AR-15 semi-automatic rifle, aiming to raise awareness of how easy it is to obtain a weapon.


The installation critiques easy access to guns in the US. (Photos: VCG)


The idea of the installation comes from a bike-share station. 


The display intends to evoke a conversation about a string of mass shooting attacks and lack of regulations.微信图片_20180515204717.jpg

The“Metro Gun Share Program” is an art installation in Chicago. All the guns are fake.