People's Daily Tonight: Podcast News (1/23/2018 Tue.)
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  This is People's Daily Tonight, your news source from China. I'm David Nye in Beijing. I am Tao Ni.



China says it's strongly dissatisfied with US tariffs on imported washing machines and solar panels.

Chinese commerce ministry official Wang Hejun calls US President Donald Trump's decision “an abuse of trade remedy measures.”

On Monday, Trump approved tariffs on imported large residential washing machines and solar cells and modules.



China is willing to work with Latin America and Caribbean States to build trans-oceanic and maritime inter-connectivity in the construction of the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, Foreign Minister Wang Yi has said.

Addressing the opening ceremony of the second ministerial meeting for China and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States Forum in Santiago, Chile on Monday, Wang said China will actively participate in the construction of transport systems, infrastructure, and energy facilities. 



China's discipline watchdog is investigating another senior government official for alleged corruption.

This time, it's the deputy director of the country's National Energy Administration, Wang Xiaolin.

The Communist Party of China Central Commission for Discipline Inspection says it punished 58 officials at the provincial or ministerial level or higher for discipline violations last year.



Carrefour announced Tuesday that Tencent, a Chinese IT giant, and Yonghui, a well-known Chinese supermarket chain, might invest in Carrefour China. 

The cooperation among these three giants will leverage Carrefour's global retail knowledge with Tencent’s technological excellence and Yonghui’s operational knowhow, particularly its deep knowledge of fresh products.



To news overseas, US federal employees are returning to work.

That's because President Trump signed a bill on Monday reopening the government.

This comes after the US Senate initially failed to pass a temporary measure to keep the government running. 

Democrats finally gave in to Republican assurances that the Senate will soon take up the plight of young immigrant "dreamers" and other contentious issues.



Indonesia's capital Jakarta was rocked by a strong earthquake on Tuesday, forcing the evacuation of office buildings but there was no tsunami threat or reported injuries.

Another 8.2-magnitude quake later the day hit southeast of Alaska, prompting a tsunami warning for parts of Alaska and Canada and a tsunami watch for the entire US west coast, according to the US Tsunami Warning System.



And the global economy may be headed in the right direction.

On Monday, the International Monetary Fund raised its global growth forecast for 2018 and 2019.

It cited increased global growth momentum and the expected impact of the recently approved US tax policy changes.


And that's People's Daily Tonight.  Thanks for joining us.

(Produced by David Nye, Tao Ni and Yi Wang)