Fresh Start: Podcast News (4/29/2018 Sun.)
People's Daily app


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Here are today’s picks from our editors.

Tourism record expected for May Day holiday


A total of 149 million tourists are predicted to travel during the upcoming May Day holiday according to a survey by the China Tourism Academy.

The survey was conducted in 60 cities across the country and estimated that domestic tourism would reap 88 billion yuan (roughly $14 billion) of revenue during the three-day weekend.

According to the survey, the most popular domestic travel destinations are Beijing, Qinhuangdao, and Dalian while the most popular overseas destinations are Singapore, Thailand and Malaysia. (People’s Daily app)

China to expand storage industry for chips innovation: ODCC


China is striving to speed up the development of the storage industry and foster open and innovative interdisciplinary cooperation, Huang Yejing, deputy director at the Ministry of Industry and Information, said at China's open data storage conference Wednesday.

The storage conference hosted by the Open Data Center Committee (ODCC) was co-sponsored by tech giants including Alibaba, Baidu, Tencent, China Telecom, China Mobile, the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, and consultant unit Intel.

During the event, experts spoke about how artificial intelligence and big data can affect storage capacity improvements.

They also mentioned that Western Digital, which is one of the world’s largest hard drive manufacturers, is looking to work with China’s tech companies. (People’s Daily app)

North Korean official media confirms goal of complete denuclearization


The official media of North Korea confirmed on Saturday that North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and South Korean President Moon Jae-in had agreed on a common goal of "complete denuclearization."

This is the first time for the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) to inform the North Korean public of the Panmunjom Declaration for Peace, Prosperity and Unification of the Korean Peninsula signed by Kim and Moon one day ago.

It was "a historical meeting which opens a new era of national reconciliation, unity, peace and prosperity," KCNA reported. (Xinhua)

China opposes placement on Priority Watch List


China’s Ministry of Commerce commented on the 2018 Special 301 Report issued by the US Trade Representative Saturday, opposing the US to further place China on the Priority Watch List in this year’s report.

A director for the Ministry of Commerce urged the US to fairly evaluate China in this matter and to see the facts regarding the country’s intellectual property rights protection efforts. (People’s Daily app)

Indian students flock to China for education


Figures show that China has become the top education destination for Indian students, with Chinese language and medicine being the top two majors of choice.

China’s Ministry of Education said more than 18,000 Indian students came to study in China in 2016, which surpassed numbers for the UK and US.

The ministry said this change is due to stricter student visa policies by the Trump administration, the UK’s unwelcome environment after the Brexit campaign, the growing use of Mandarin, and China’s impressive educational institutions. (People’s Daily app)

China to reduce cancer drug prices


China is working to reduce the price of cancer medication through negotiations, according to health officials on Saturday.

According to Chen Jinfu, head of the medical insurance department of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, last year the government reached agreements with pharmaceutical companies to lower the price of nearly 40 cancer medicines.

The Chinese government is also looking to expand the type of drugs that can receive medical insurance reimbursement and accelerate review and approval procedures for new drugs to further cut costs. (People’s Daily app)

French luxury brand apologizes to Chinese customers


Fashion icon Balenciaga and retailer Printemps recently issued an apology to Chinese customers after a video clip of security guards and store employees mistreating a Chinese shopper in Paris went viral.

The incident took place in a Balenciaga shop on April 25 when security guards dragged a Chinese shopper away from the store, who was reportedly defending his mother from disruptive customers.

In addition to the apology, the company said the staff members involved in the incident have been suspended. (People’s Daily app)

People sick from romaine lettuce approaches triple digits


US health officials say that E. coli poisoning from tainted romaine lettuce has caused nearly 100 people to become sick in more than 20 states.

Officials say not to buy or eat lettuce that was grown in Yuma, Arizona to avoid getting sick.

The Center for Disease Control is currently looking into what might have caused such a dangerous outbreak. (People’s Daily app)

Thanks for listening and be sure to catch us tomorrow.

Today’s quote is from Irish poet William Butler Yeats:

“There are no strangers here; Only friends you haven't yet met.”

(Produced by Nancy Yan Xu, Ryan Yaoran Yu, Raymond Mendoza, and Ziyi Zeng.)