D.C. area blanketed in spring snowstorm
By Zhou Chunmei
People's Daily app


Washington (People' s Daily)-Though March 20 officially marked the first day of spring, a heavy snowstorm swept through the D.C. area, U.S. Tuesday night and is forecasted to last all of Wednesday.

The White House has cancelled all public events due to the snow. The D.C. area has not seen this much snow this late in the year in more than 50 years. While people in Washington D.C. are already expecting this year’s cherry blossom festival, it seems winter is still not ready to give way to spring.


A Reuters journalist captures the snowscape in front of the White House. (Photo: People's Daily/Zhou Chunmei)


Inches of snow fall upon the Lafayette Square near the White House, freezing the early-blossoming flowers. (Photo: People's Daily/Zhou Chunmei)



There are few people on the street as a Snow Emergency is declared Wednesday morning. (Photo: People's Daily/Zhou Chunmei)


A purple umbrella quietly lays on the ground, reflecting its bright color on the snow. (Photo: People's Daily/Zhou Chunmei)


A statue stands silently while snowflakes dance in the wind. (Photo: People's Daily/Zhou Chunmei)


An umbrella wielding pedestrian walks his dog along the snow covered street in Arlington, Virginia. (Photo: People's Daily/Zhou Chunmei)


Schools are closed in the D.C. area, but children enjoy their time in the snow, rolling snowballs and snowmen with friends. (Photo: People's Daily/Zhou Chunmei)
