People's Daily Tonight: Podcast News (3/29/2018 Thu.)
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This is People’s Daily Tonight, your news source from China. 


China urges US to tackle trade frictions through dialogue


China  urges the US to abandon unilateralism and protectionism.

It says it is confident about reacting against any form of trade or investment protectionist act.

A Chinese Commerce Ministry spokesperson says the US has set a bad precedent because tariffs are against WTO rules. 

He added that the malicious practices of the United States are like opening Pandora’s Box, which could trigger a chain reaction that will spread the virus of trade protectionism across the globe.


Accident Reported in Romanian Nuclear Plant, Reactor Shut Down


A nuclear plant in Romania is shut down following reports of an accident.

Reports say the reactor automatically disconnected from the power grid following a glitch in the electric system.

The company which runs the Cernavoda NPP Unit 2  says the reactor was disconnected automatically following a dysfunction in the electrical process system in the older part of the power plant.

The company says disconnecting the reactor from the energy system posed no risks to nuclear safety.


S.Korea, DPRK to hold summit on April 27 in Panmunjom


The two Koreas agree to hold the third inter-Korea summit on April 27 in the truce village of Panmunjom.

A South Korean presidential official says both sides will likely discuss agenda items and working-level contacts needed to prepare for the summit.

The announcement comes following the visit of North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un to China.

A South Korean unification ministry official says the two Koreas would hold a working-level meeting on April 4 to discuss details for the summit.

North and South Korea have experienced a significant easing in tensions since the Winter Olympics in the South in February.


Popular Wi-Fi hack apps found to be collecting user data


Several popular mobile apps reportedly collect user data.

That’s according to a recent report from China Central Television.

The apps include Wi-Fi Skeleton Key and Wi-Fi Key, which allow users to hack into encrypted Wi-Fi networks and access the Internet without a username or password.

Reporters in Beijing and Shanghai successfully connected to Wi-Fi networks in residential areas, commercial buildings, and even at the Foreign Ministry. 

They also found that the apps were collecting the IP addresses and GPS locations of the app users.


US Q4 growth revised up to 2.9%; consumer spending surges


US economic growth slows less than previously estimated in the fourth quarter, as the biggest gain in consumer spending in three years partially offset the drag from a jump in imports.

The Commerce department says the country’s GDP expanded at a 2.9 percent annual rate in the final three months of 2017, instead of the previously reported 2.5 percent

That was a slightly slower than the third quarter's brisk 3.2 percent pace.

Analysts believe the economy will hit the Trump administration’s 3 percent annual growth target this year.

That target is being driven by the 1.5 trillion-dollar tax cut package and an increase in government spending.


BMW faces US lawsuit claiming emissions cheating


German carmaker BMW faces a US lawsuit that alleges emissions cheating on diesel vehicles.

This includes its X5 and 330d models.

The lawsuit claims that the two models emit levels of nitrogen oxide many times higher than their gasoline counterparts. 

A BMW spokesman says the company is thoroughly studying the lawsuit to understand what is being alleged. 

He says BMW Group vehicles are not manipulated and comply with all respective legal requirements.


Saudi Arabia faces US lawsuits over Sept 11 attacks


And a US judge rejects Saudi Arabia's bid to dismiss lawsuits claiming that it helped plan the 9-11 attacks in the US and should pay billions of dollars in damages to victims.

US District Judge George Daniels says the plaintiffs' allegations narrowly articulate a reasonable basis for him to assert jurisdiction over Saudi Arabia under the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act.

The Saudi government has long denied involvement in the attacks in which hijacked airplanes crashed into New York's World Trade Center, the Pentagon and a Pennsylvania field. 

Nearly 3,000 people died in the attacks.


And that’s People’s Daily Tonight.  Thanks for joining us.

(Produced by David Nye, Wang Yi and Liang Peiyu)