Xiongan New Area sees progress in first phase of education aid project
By Dong Feng
People's Daily app


With the first phase of an education aid project rolled out in Xiongan New Area in North China's Hebei Province, pilot schools such as the Chaoyang Experimental Primary School's branch in the region have made a difference to the local education community.

Changes in educational concepts 

The education aid project has introduced advanced concepts to Xiongan New Area, China Youth Daily reported Tuesday.

Beijing unveiled cooperation agreements in August 2017 with Hebei on the construction of Xiongan New Area, a new development area southwest of the capital.

Many a local primary school teachers and secondary school principals are trained, honing their teaching skills. Teachers in both Beijing and Xiongan are working on setting up a number of cooperative projects such as an expert teachers’ studio.

The aid project aims to improve the education quality in Xiongan New Area, and develop long-term cooperation, said Liu Yuhui, director of the Beijing Municipal Education Commission.

Teachers’ passion

Chaoyang Experimental Primary School in Beijing dispatches senior teachers to Xiongan branch for weekly training and coaching sessions, said Chen Lihua, head of the school.

Teachers who are based in Xiongan also come to Beijing for weekly training. “Such two-way exchanges help teachers improve their skill sets,” Chen said. 

A team consisting of more than 20 experts has observed the teaching sessions in Xiongan and given suggestions with hands on examples. 

 “One of the most remarkable changes is we are even more passionate about teaching, we get together with experts for training and exchange our experience,” mathematics teacher Zhang Jingjing said. 

 “My mission is to educate top talents with international competitiveness, which inspires me to overcome many difficulties in my work,” said a teacher. 


Local parents serve as guardian volunteers at the school gate. (Photos: China Youth Daily)

Students’ vision widened

Thanks to various cultural events, students are having more exposure to the arts. 

On March 13, students had opportunity to appreciate a performance by the National Peking Opera Theatre and the China Philharmonic Orchestra. 

The education aid project has taken approaches of team aid and integrated management, so that many famous experts in education have also become teachers in Xiongan. 

More changes expected

Change was one of the most frequently mentioned words in the interview with Chen. Once teachers’ concepts in education have been transformed, the local educational quality will be improved, Chen noted. 

The aid program aims to improve teachers’ concept in self-education, teaching capability and education concept. 

The first phase of the project included founding three new branch schools and offering education aid to four local schools. Beijing will also set up one middle school, one primary school and one kindergarten. 

In April 2017, China announced plans to establish the new economic zone about 100 kilometers southwest of Beijing. It covers Hebei's Xiongxian, Rongcheng and Anxin counties.