B5 biodiesel to be provided in 200 Shanghai gas stations
People's Daily app

(Photo: VCG)

Sinopec Shanghai recently launched the construction of a B5 biodiesel base. B5 biodiesel is made from "gutter oil" and will speed up its entry into the market. It is predicted that Shanghai will have 200 gas stations offering B5 biodiesel at the end of this year.

B5 biodiesel is a type of green energy. After a series of biochemical reactions and a mixture with normal diesel at a certain percentage, the "gutter oil" from the food industry can be turned into green energy.

"The gutter oil problem is a priority concern for people. By smoothing the sales process of B5 biodiesel, gutter oil can be exported," said Chen Yaoshui, vice director of Shanghai Municipal Food and Drug Administration.

After the construction of the base, it is expected that Shanghai's supply of B5 biodiesel can reach 400 to 600 kilotons per year, which is  about how much gutter oil is produced in a year in Shanghai, and meets the demands of 200 gas stations for a whole year.

Shanghai launched two pilot B5 biodiesel stations in October 2017. More and more drivers released their worries after trying the green fuel.

Until early May, the gutter oil-made by B5 biodiesel is provided in 33 gas stations in Shanghai, with total sales of over 23 million liters and a daily sales number of over 300 thousand liters.

(Compiled by Liu Xiaochi)