People's Daily Tonight: Podcast News (6/22/2018 Fri.)
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This is People's Daily Tonight, your news source from China.  


China says it regrets US capriciousness on trade 


China says the United States was capricious and had further inflamed trade war provocations.

A ministry of commerce spokesman says the two sides had once "borne fruit with clear negotiation roadmaps and timetables.”

He added that the consensus reached in Washington on May 19 shows that the two sides conducted detailed consultations on agriculture and energy in Beijing at the beginning of June.

They also planned further consultations on manufacturing and services, as well as structural problems. (Xinhua)


Peacekeeping, cooperation will lead to prosperity: Chinese representative


A senior Chinese public security official stresses China's role in worldwide peacekeeping duties and the need for international cooperation. 

Executive vice minister Wang Xiaohong was speaking at the Second United Nations Chiefs of Police Summit in New York.

He says Chinese President Xi Jinping has vowed to establish a large peacekeeping police force.

Since then, China has trained two standby Formed Police Units with a strength of 330 officers.

The country has also helped train more than 400 foreign peacekeeping police officers. (People's Daily app)


Data show economy on a sound footing

China enjoys stable financial markets and firm support for the economy.

That's according to researchers and financial analysts.

One of them says policies to promote supply-side reform and prevent financial risks play a key role in containing the rapid growth of China's overall leverage ratio and in further reducing excessive interbank leveraging-up activities.

A Chinese banking watchdog official says the banking and insurance sectors are joining the effort to eliminate ineffective supply. (China Daily)


China's Baidu tests driverless cars on expressway

Chinese artificial intelligence giant Baidu tests two self-driving cars on an unused expressway in north China's Tianjin City.

It was the first time for a Baidu driverless car to be tested on an expressway.

The trial run will allow developers to collect data on the cars' performance in positioning, sensing the environment and self control.

The 33-kilometer section is part of the Tangshan-Langfang expressway, scheduled to open later this year. (Xinhua)


US House postpones vote on crucial Republican immigration bill


US House Republicans postpone a crucial immigration bill vote. 

This, to gain more support within the party. 

A new compromise bill provides a pathway for illegal immigrant minors to become US citizens while also providing funding for US President Donald Trump’s US-Mexico border wall.

Funding the wall is a precondition set by Trump for any possible immigration reform. (People's Daily app)


Three dead in New York strip mall shooting

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Three people were shot dead in the New York borough of Bronx.

Police say the shooting stemmed from a "large fight" in the parking lot of a strip mall.

There were no immediate arrests and the motive for the shooting remains unclear. (Xinhua)


Beijing caps population of sub-center at 1.3 mln


And Beijing has set a population cap of 1.3 million by 2035 for its suburban Tongzhou District.

Tongzhou is about 40 minutes from the city center.

Its population is expected to grow by half a million by 2035. 

Beijing is shifting some of its administrative functions out of the city center to Tongzhou to help address what it calls "urban ills." (Xinhua)


And that's People's Daily Tonight. Thanks for joining us.

(Produced by David Nye, Han Xiaomeng and Liang Peiyu)