People's Daily Tonight: Podcast News (3/27/2018 Tue.)
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This is People's Daily Tonight, your news source from China. 


China space laboratory Tiangong-1 expected to fall at month's end


China's first space lab is expected to fall back to Earth between March 31 and April 4. 

Authorities say Tiangong-1 has officially completed sending data and entered its final phase of life on March 16.

They say the space lab is orbiting at an average height of about 216.2 kilometers.

But they did not provide a re-entry location. 

A Chinese aerospace expert says the approximate re-entry location cannot be determined until the last two hours before it starts to fall.

Launched in September 2011, Tiangong-1 had a design life of two years. 


China committed to resolving trade frictions through dialogue, negotiations: FM


China upholds and remains committed to resolving trade frictions through dialogue and negotiations.

Foreign affairs spokesperson Hua Chunying says the United States and China have been in consultations on trade issues.

She says China is working hard to create a fair market for both domestic and foreign firms to compete regardless of ownership.


64 dead in Russian shopping mall inferno


Sixty four is the final death toll of a fire at a busy shopping mall in Si-beria.

Most of the victims were children.

Russian television showed images of thick black smoke pour-ing out of the roof of the Winter Cherry shopping center in Kemerovo.

The mall also houses a sauna, a bowling alley and a multiplex cinema. 

It was packed with people on Sunday afternoon.

Witnesses told Russian television that some did not hear alarms or did not take them seriously, and that the fire took hold very quickly, leaving many children separated from their parents.


EU gives Facebook 'two weeks' to answer data scandal questions: letter


The European Union has given Facebook two weeks to answer questions raised by the scandal over personal data harvested from the social network.

They also want to know the steps the firm plans to take to prevent a similar scandal in the future.

At their summit in Brussels last week, EU leaders talked about the misuse of Facebook data by British firm Cambridge Analytica, which played a role in US President Donald Trump's election campaign.


Global stocks rebound as fear of trade war fades


Global stocks rebound with signs that China and the US are open to negotiating to avert a trade war.

Wall Street stocks surged amid increased optimism about trade negotiations, marking its best day in more than two years.

Chinese stocks opened higher.

The benchmark Shanghai Composite Index was up al-most a percent. 

The Shenzhen Component Index also opened higher than 1 percent. 

Tokyo's Nikkei index likewise showed life.


Russia blames US pressure on allies for expulsions 


Moscow says Washington had put "colossal pressure" on allies to expel scores of Russian diplomats, and vowed to retaliate.

At least 116 alleged agents working under diplomatic cover were ordered out by 22 governments on Monday, dwarfing similar measures in even the most notorious Cold War spying disputes.

The expulsions were a response to the poisoning of Russian double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia with a nerve agent in Salisbury, England on March 4.


China industrial profits up 16.1% in Jan-Feb


And profits of China's major industrial firms increase 16.1 percent year-on-year in the first two months of the year.

China's statistics bureau says the reading was 5.3 per-centage points faster than the growth rate in December 2017.


And that's People's Daily Tonight.  Thanks for joining us.

(Produced by David Nye, Han Xiaomeng and Liang Peiyu)