People's Daily Tonight: Podcast News (4/19/2018 Thu.)
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This is People’s Daily Tonight, your news source from China. 


Still no talks over trade dispute between China, US: MOC

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China and the US have not sat down to discuss trade frictions.

That’s according to the Chinese Ministry of Commerce.

A ministry spokesman says US measures to slap tariffs on Chinese products seriously violate World Trade Organization rules.

The US claims it is willing to negotiate over the trade dispute with China.

The US move follows WTO procedures, which require members to respond to a request for settlement from another member within 10 days.


PLA's live-fire drills in Taiwan Straits a warning to 'independence groups'

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The People's Liberation Army conducted live-fire military exercises in the Taiwan Straits on Wednesday.

Experts say the exercises are a clear and tough signal to "Taiwan independence groups" and the US who are damaging cross-Straits ties.

One Chinese expert believes the mainland's military drills not only send a tough message to "Taiwan independence groups" but also deliver a warning to the US, which recently boosted communication and ties with Taiwan.

China’s Ambassador to the US says China will firmly safeguard its national sovereignty and territorial integrity and will realize reunification.


UN in security talks with Syria after chemical probe put on hold


UN security experts negotiate with Syrian and Russian authorities for international chemical inspectors to deploy to the site of an alleged toxic gas attack near Damascus.

This, after a reconnaissance mission came under fire.

The team from the world's chemical arms watchdog has not yet been able to begin its field work in Douma.

That’s where dozens were killed in a suspected April 7 gas attack.

Western powers warn that President Bashar al-Assad's regime may attempt to remove crucial evidence.

The UN watchdog says safety fears had hampered plans for the experts to travel to Douma, a town that was controlled by rebels until Russian-backed regime forces fully retook it last week.


Volcano erupts in Japan's Kagoshima prefecture: JMA

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Mount Kirishima on the southwestern Japanese main island of Kyushu erupts on Thursday.

The eruption at the 1,700-meter high active volcano occurred at 3:43 pm local time.

Authorities issued a level 3 warning to the public not to approach the volcano and has warned of the possibility of pyroclastic flows.


Miguel Diaz-Canel, 57, to succeed Raul Castro as Cuba's next president

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Cuba moves a step closer to having a new president.

This, after First Vice President Miguel Diaz-Canel was nominated as President Raul Castro's successor for the first time in almost six decades.

His nomination comes after months of speculation.

Cuba also announced candidates for six vice presidential posts. 


China's three major operators to pilot 5G network in cities

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China's three major operators, China Mobile, China Unicom and China Telecom get permission to do pilot construction of the 5G network in cities, including Beijing.

An action plan over Beijing’s big data and cloud computing says that the city will pioneer the commercial use of the 5G network in the city’s sub-center, new airports in Beijing, and in the venues of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics.

Beijing has already conducted 5G tests in its Huairou District.


China Media Group inaugurated in Beijing


And China inaugurates the China Media Group.

It’s a new broadcasting platform composed of China Central Television, China Radio International and China National Radio.

The group now comes under the Publicity Department.

It is tasked to enhance China's international broadcasting capability and promote the convergence of the three platforms.


And that’s People’s Daily Tonight.  Thanks for joining us

(Produced by David Nye, Chi Jingyi and Wu Kai)