Chinese President Xi Jinping addresses NPC closing meeting
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Chinese President Xi Jinping addressed the closing meeting of the first session of the 13th National People's Congress (NPC) at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on Tuesday.

At the beginning of his speech, President Xi reaffirmed his commitment to serve the people and fulfill his legal obligations. 

"It is the people who have created the history and they are the real heroes," Xi said.

He urged the civil servants at all levels to always put the people at the highest place, wholeheartedly serve the people and work for the people's interests and happiness.

Turning the grand blueprint for China into reality is a new Long March, Xi said, noting that if the Chinese people hold the spirit of working hard, we can achieve the goal of creating a better life.

He also stressed that China will deepen reform more comprehensively and broaden opening-up with intensified efforts and with more concrete measures. 

"New era belongs to everyone, nothing can stop us from fulfilling our dreams," Xi said.

"Today, the creativity of the Chinese people is being unleashed to an extent like never before, which has been enabling our country to develop rapidly and stride forward at the forefront of the world," Xi said.  

During the annual session, which started on March 5, lawmakers elected state leaders and approved a restructuring plan on the State Council. They also approved several work reports, including those from the government, the NPC Standing Committee, the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate. 

A draft supervision law, the 2018 national economic and social development plan as well as the 2018 central and local budgets were also passed.