World's longest glass suspension bridge covered with tourists
By Du Mingming
People's Daily app

Video source: The Beijing News


The world’s longest glass-bottomed suspension bridge, covered with tourists in Shijiazhuang’s Hongyagu Scenic Area, Hebei Province, on Tuesday. (Photos: VCG)

The world’s longest glass-bottomed suspension bridge, in China’s Hebei Province, attracted hundreds of tourists on Tuesday.

The bridge is 488 meters long and 4 meters wide, and hangs 218 meters (about 66 stories) above the ground between two cliffs in the Hongyagu Scenic Area in Shijianzhuang.


Opened on December 24, 2017, the bridge is covered with 1,077 panes of transparent glass, each 4 centimeters thick. It is able to support 600 people at one time.

It is reported that the bridge is designed to withstand 12 Beaufort scale winds and a 6-magnitude earthquake. The bridge will sway a little when tourists walk to its center, creating an exciting and thrilling experience.   


