Commentary: Bullying mindset behind US trade war against China
By Zhang Hong
People's Daily Online

The US trade war with China indicates a hegemonic mentality, as they began implementing tariff measures against China on July 6, starting what could be the biggest trade war in history.


Photos: VCG

This super power has become arrogant enough to resort to a trade war, seemingly the only tool in its policy kit, ignoring how US enterprises and soybean producers will be affected and whether the tariff measures may bring trouble to the country itself.

The US is beginning to put up high walls against globalization and integrated markets, but never reflects on why it remains the only one having problems while the global economy and other countries are all benefiting from globalization.

It seems that the US is ignoring its own tremendous advancements due to globalization, attempting to gain greater profits by launching deglobalization, which indicates its selfish mindset of hegemony that leaves the interests of other countries behind.

The United States wrongly believes that domestic economic problems have resulted due to a trade deficit in the US because of China.

However, the real situation is that the trade deficit is rooted in shortage of national savings, overconsumption and its global industry chain layout. The US has exploited substantial tangible benefits from its business in China, but has still blamed China for the trade deficit.

Such confrontation displays a mentality reminiscent of the cold-war era. Tactics that go against peaceful development would be a disaster for the whole world, especially developing countries, and the US is sure to also suffer.

Trump appoints ‘Death by China’ author to lead new US trade council

It's been said that the theoretical "source of policy" has come from economist Peter Navarro's book "Death by China", released in 2011. Navarro now leads the National Trade Council (NTC) with the Trump administration, recently writing a report that replays points from his writing in 2011. He blames China for the loss of American jobs, advises people to boycott made-in-China products and has hyped up the “China threat”.

Navarro’s logic is not approved by mainstream western media and scholars.

The China Threat Theory, which is unfounded and unsubstantiated, looks more like a political tool, said economist Dan Steinbock from the US’s India, China and America Institute.

The Los Angeles Times also noted that Navarro’s documentary “Death By China” is drowned out by xenophobic hysteria and exaggerations.

This alarmist theory, so full of loopholes, now provides support for today’s American economic policy toward China, but in the future, it will bring destructive effects to globalization and the global trade order, and is sure to make the US victim to its own actions.

China doesn’t want a trade war, but as a country thriving amid bitter struggles, the nation is not afraid of fighting one. Negotiations are suggested, but if the trade war breaks out, China will take necessary countermeasures to the latest US tariffs.