Customs should be on alert to imported waste
China Daily

Photo: VCG

The General Administration of Customs said that customs officials in Dayaowan of Dalian, Liaoning province, recently returned 20 tons of solid waste that was illegally being shipped into the country.

China strengthened its regulation on solid waste imports in 2017, and continued to tighten it until introducing a total ban on Jan 1, 2021.

Yet the case shows that foreign rubbish continues to enter China illegally. Lured by profits, some companies try to disguise the waste as "goods" or "resources".

In 2021, Dalian customs officials reported nine cases of illegally imported solid waste, and returned 1,525 metric tons of foreign rubbish.

To counter this, it is necessary to strengthen the full-process monitoring of imported goods that might be solid waste. When the goods arrive, it is necessary to inspect them to check that they are actually what they are claimed to be.

Even after the goods are allowed to enter, it is best for professional agencies to follow up on how they are being used to be sure they are something useful and not waste.

Penalties given to companies found to be involved in illegally importing solid waste must be implemented strictly.

The Criminal Law makes it clear that those committing such crimes face criminal charges.