Beijing exhibition anticipates computational world
China Daily
"De Ja Vu", an exhibition at Beijing's Today Art Museum, unfolds the present and the future of an emerging computational world. (Photos: China Daily)
"De Ja Vu", an exhibition at Beijing's Today Art Museum, unfolds the present and the future of an emerging computational world.
"De Ja Vu", an exhibition at Beijing's Today Art Museum, unfolds the present and the future of an emerging computational world.
"De Ja Vu", an exhibition at Beijing's Today Art Museum, unfolds the present and the future of an emerging computational world.
"De Ja Vu", an exhibition at Beijing's Today Art Museum, unfolds the present and the future of an emerging computational world.
"De Ja Vu", an exhibition at Beijing's Today Art Museum, unfolds the present and the future of an emerging computational world.
"De Ja Vu", an exhibition at Beijing's Today Art Museum, unfolds the present and the future of an emerging computational world.
"De Ja Vu", an exhibition at Beijing's Today Art Museum, unfolds the present and the future of an emerging computational world.