How Ping-pong diplomacy broke the mold
China Daily
Connie Sweeris (left) and Judy Hoarfrost, former members of the US table tennis team, play a game in 2011 in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, to mark the 40th anniversary of ping-pong diplomacy. [Photo/Xinhua]
Connie Sweeris takes on a Chinese player in 1972 during the Chinese table tennis team's visit to the US. [Photo/China Daily]
Liu Guoliang, president of the Chinese Table Tennis Association, signs a T-shirt for a fan during a 20-day visit to the US in August by the Chinese national team, marking the 48th anniversary of ping-pong diplomacy. [Photo/Xinhua]
Shanghai has witnessed a series of memorable events testifying to China's advancing and changing interactions with the US. [Photo/China Daily]
The Shanghai Disney Resort is one of the city's most popular venues. [Photo/China Daily]
Deng Xiaoping visits the United States in early 1979. [Photo/Xinhua]
Davyd Booth, a violinist with The Philadelphia Orchestra, displays a photo of its conductor Eugene Ormandy at Booth's home in New Jersey. Both men visited China in 1973. [Photo/Xinhua]