Overseas Chinese join in global fight against coronavirus
People's Daily Online
Pedestrians wearing face masks on the streets in Tokyo, Japan on March 3. (Photo: Xinhua News Agency)
Medical staff with a health center in Taegu, South Korea, receive suspected cases of novel coronavirus infection on March 3. (Photo: Xinhua News Agency)
Two women wearing face masks stroll along the Pantheon in Rome, Italy on March 3. (Photo: Xinhua News Agency)
Ke Haixiao (L2), president of the China-Europe Economic and Cultural Development Research Center, hands out herbal tea to the public in Budapest's Eighth District, Hungary. (Photo: Ke Haixiao)
The first batch of 24 boxes of protective supplies donated by Wenzhou in eastern China’s Zhejiang province, arrives in Turin, Italy, which will be transferred to the Piedmont Center for Disease Control and Prevention. (Photo: yidali.huarenjie.com)
Overseas Chinese in Rome, Italy transferring materials originally donated to Zhejiang Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese to fellow countrymen in Milan. (Photo: Zhejiang Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese)