Added value of China's sports industry totals 1.12 trln yuan in 2019

BEIJING, Jan. 3 (Xinhua) -- China's sports industry saw its added value hit 1.12 trillion yuan (about 171.7 billion US dollars) in 2019, up 11.6 percent from one year earlier, official data shows.

File photo: CFP

Sports services dominated the industry with a 67.7 percent share in total added value, up 2.9 percentage points year on year, according to calculations from the National Bureau of Statistics.
At current prices, fitness and leisure registered a 74.4 percent growth in added value, boasting the fastest pace among all sub-sectors, while the added value of sports ground and facility construction surged 41.7 percent year on year.

In 2019, the total size of China's sports industry expanded 10.9 percent year on year to 2.95 trillion yuan.