NASA to fly Snoopy in its Artemis I unmanned mission

A scene from "Snoopy in Space" released by Apple TV+. (Photo: AP)

A new rocket designed to launch humans to the Moon, Mars and beyond will launch next year from Kennedy Space Center in Florida. On board will be a familiar fuzzy figure – Snoopy.

A 141-gram plush toy version of the daydreaming beagle – wearing a spacesuit designed according to NASA's strict specifications – has an important job for the Artemis I unmanned mission.

NASA uses stuffed animals on flights because when the little guys start to float, it indicates that the spacecraft has entered space's zero gravity. Since the toys are soft and light, they won't break anything or accidentally strike a button.

A stuffed toy version of Snoopy wearing a NASA spacesuit. (Photo: AP)

The Artemis I mission is scheduled to circle the Moon and then return to Earth in February as a dry run without astronauts, making sure all systems are working for future crewed missions. Also aboard will be two Lego figurines, part of an educational series.

The upcoming mission announcement coincides with the release Friday of the second season of "Snoopy in Space," the Emmy-nominated animated series on Apple TV+. Season one saw Snoopy become an astronaut and land on the Moon. Season two sees him go further in what showrunner Mark Evestaff calls an "epic road trip."

"We have taken a bit of a step further so that Snoopy is able to go to some of these places that we haven't been, like Mars or the moons of Jupiter or visiting an exoplanet," he said. "And he does it through his imagination, but it's also based on actual science from NASA."

The plush Snoopy's gravity-monitoring task, officially called the zero gravity indicator, will be far from the first stuffed toy used by astronauts. Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, the first human in space, had a small doll when he was launched on Vostok 1.

Since then, an owl doll and an Angry Birds toy have been on the International Space Station, a plush R2-D2 was used as the talisman on a Soyuz mission in 2015 and a stuffed snowman Olaf from the movie "Frozen" has gone up. A plush Snoopy has also been on the space station.

The plush Snoopy that is being readied for the Artemis I mission was not the kind you'd find on a Target shelf. It's a one-of-a-kind work and painstakingly designed using only NASA-approved materials. Stress-testing it is due in December.

"The spacesuit had to meet all the requirements and be of the same quality that the astronauts would be wearing, both in the materials and what got approved. So it was a months-long process of going back and forth and back and forth as they considered all the materials used on the spacesuit," said Craig Schulz, son of "Peanuts" creator Charles Schulz.

"Space travel is almost become so normalized now," said Schulz. "People's attention span is a little weak, for the most part. So when you inject some of that entertaining Snoopy, you're going to capture the audience."