Tourism boom in the 'last wooden village' of Changbai Mountain
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Jinjiang wooden village in Fusong county, Jilin Province, is one of the best-preserved Manchu wooden villages. With more than 300 years of history, it is dubbed the last wooden village of Changbai Mountain. With stepped-up rural vitalization efforts, the village has become a tourist attraction.

Jinjiang wooden village in the winter, on November 26, 2022. (Photo: Courtesy of villagers)

In front of a small specialty stall set up by villager Jiang Xucheng and his wife, visitors buy ginseng, goji berries and honey. "We can earn 30,000 ($4,340) to 40,000 yuan more a year," 62-year-old Jiang said with a smile. "As farmers in the mountains, we are very satisfied with this."

Yu Yanxia, a villager, in front of her wooden house on April 6. (Photo: Xinhua)

According to research, Jinjiang wooden village was built during the reign of Qing Emperor Kangxi (1662-1772). Later, more wooden houses were constructed along the hills, with dozens of families gathering gradually.

Lanterns, corn on cobs and peppers hang outside cabins last month in Jinjiang wooden village of Fusong county in Jilin Province, on April 6. (Photo: Xinhua)

Since the reform and opening-up, most villagers, especially the young, left the mountains and worked in cities. Most wooden houses were therefore unoccupied and in disrepair. Some even collapsed.

Visitors watch the pancake making process on April 6. (Photo: Xinhua)

To protect and revitalize this precious cultural heritage, governments at all levels have taken a series of actions, according to Gao Yunhai, the Party secretary of Manjiang town. In 2006, Fusong county listed Jinjiang wooden village as a county-level cultural heritage protection unit. In 2013, the village was included in the China traditional villages list, and thus rose to fame. In 2015, with the support of the Jilin Provincial Ethnic Affairs Committee, Fusong county started renovating the whole village.

Nowadays, the village showcases Kanto folk customs including paper-cutting and ginseng growing as well as wonderful scenery in all seasons. Jinjiang wooden village is attracting more and more tourists and generating a huge demand for accommodation, dining and shopping.

The aerial view panorama of Jinjiang wooden village, on November 26, 2022. (Photo: Courtesy of villagers)

"With tens of thousands of tourists a year, the village is becoming more and more famous, and our life is getting better and better," said Lu Yongling, a tour guide in the wooden village.

(Compiled by Du Ying; source: Xinhua)