18th Chinese peacekeeping medical team to Lebanon passes UN equipment inspection
By Li Xiao and Huang Shifeng
People's Daily app

The medical team of 18th Chinese peacekeeping force to Lebanon passed its first UN equipment inspection on Wednesday since its deployment to the mission area.


(Photo: Huang Shifeng)

All the equipment and materials of the Chinese medical team have reached the standards stipulated by the United Nations. Officials from the UN Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) all agreed that the Chinese medical teams are well-prepared, well-organized and meet high standards.

The 18th Chinese peacekeeping force to Lebanon was deployed to the mission area in May 2019. The medical team has offered medical services to more than 1,000 local residents.

核查组听取工作汇报(李俊辉 摄)_副本.jpg

(Photo: Li Junhui)

China has maintained a peacekeeping force in southern Lebanon as a part of the UNIFIL since 2006, tasked with missions such as mine-sweeping, project construction, emergency medical care and humanitarian assistance.

(Compiled by Xu Zheqi)