Maduro writes to 'peoples of the world', denouncing US sanctions


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CARACAS, Oct. 9 (Xinhua) -- Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has addressed a letter "to the peoples of the world" on his government's response to Washington's unilateral measures against his country.

In the letter dated Oct. 2 and published on the Twitter account of Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza on Friday, the president discussed measures approved on Thursday by the National Constituent Assembly, such as the Anti-Blockade Law for National Development and the Guarantee of Rights of the Venezuelan People.

Maduro said the law "will allow for the creation of mechanisms to improve the nation's income," adding that incentives could be generated "to stimulate internal economic activity" and to promote foreign investment.

The president also said Venezuela is preparing to hold legislative elections on Dec. 6, and that over 90 percent of local political organizations have fielded over 14,000 candidates for 277 seats.

According to the president, the elections "will undoubtedly grant greater strength to our nation and our people, who have resisted foreign aggression with dignity and firmness."

The president added in the letter that Venezuela has had one law, seven executive decrees, and around 300 administrative measures imposed on it by the United States. Enditem