Iran's Raisi meets with Chinese defense minister
China Daily

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi (right) meets with Chinese State Councilor and Minister of National Defense Wei Fenghe (second from left) in Teheran on Wednesday. (Photo: Agencies)

TEHERAN-Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi met with visiting Chinese State Councilor and Minister of National Defense Wei Fenghe on Wednesday.

During the meeting, Raisi called for expanding the areas of cooperation between the two countries, and strengthening all-around cooperation, including in the military field.

Iran and China share similar positions in international affairs and support each other, Raisi said.

Iran, which opposes unilateralism, hegemonism and external interference, firmly supports China in safeguarding its core interests, said Raisi, while expressing gratitude to China for its long-term support and assistance during Iran's difficult times.

Wei said President Xi Jinping and Raisi have exchanged telephone calls and letters since last year, leading to new progress in building the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries.

Wei's visit to Iran came against the backdrop of the current turbulent international situation, which Wei said reflected the importance of China-Iran relations, their firm mutual support and joint progress.

He expressed China's strong support to Iran in safeguarding its national sovereignty and dignity, and its willingness to cooperate with Iran to deal with various risks and challenges, safeguard common interests, and jointly maintain regional and global peace and stability.

Strategic communication

The Chinese and Iranian militaries have expanded cooperation in recent years, said Wei, adding that the Chinese military is willing to maintain strategic communication with Iran, make good use of cooperation mechanisms, and boost pragmatic collaboration so as to lift bilateral military ties to a higher level.

Earlier in the day, Wei held separate meetings with Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Mohammad Bagheri and Iranian Defense Minister Mohammad Reza Ashtiani.

During the meetings, the two sides had an in-depth exchange of views on regional and international security situations, Iran's nuclear issue and the conflict in Ukraine. They also reached a consensus on expanding high-level strategic communication, deepening military exchanges, and conducting joint exercises and personnel training.