China-Cambodia relations honor 60 years of diplomacy
By Zhang Zhiwen
People's Daily app


Hun Sen, Prime Minister of Cambodia, at the gala dinner. (Photo: Zhang Zhiwen)

Bangkok (People’s Daily) – A special gala dinner commemorating the 60th anniversary of the establishment of China-Cambodia diplomatic relations was held in the Cambodiancapital Monday evening. 

Cambodia’s Prime Minister Hun Sen expressed his sincere gratitude for all of Chinese friends who offered long-term support and assistance on Cambodia’s financial, technical, human resources, and infrastructure development in the name of the government and the people of Cambodia. 

“The support and assistance from Chinese friends serves a fundamental and vital function in the economic and social development of the kingdom.”

Distinguished guests from both sides reviewed the history of their bilateral friendship, as well as the development of the past 60 years. 

“Looking back at our steps over the past 60 years, the profound heritage and unique characteristics displayed in China-Cambodia relations have illustrated the strong vitality of China-Cambodia Comprehensive Strategic Partnership,” said Bo Xiong, China’s ambassador to Cambodia. 

Vice President of the China Public Diplomacy Association, Hu Zhengyue, was also in attendance. 

China and Cambodia established diplomatic relations in July 1958, when Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai and the Late King-Father Norodom Sihanouk, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia jointly announced by exchanging correspondence. 

In 2016, Chinese President Xi Jinping reached an  important consensus with His Majesty King Norodom Sihamoni and Prime Minister Hun Sen on the comprehensive advancement of China-Cambodia relations during a state visit, which has helped chart the course by providing a blueprint for China-Cambodia relations in the new era, while pushing the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership to historic new heights. 

China has since become the country’s largest source of foreign investment and its biggest partner in trade, foreign aid and tourism. 

Last year, over 1.2 million Chinese tourists visited Cambodia. The goal for 2020 is two million, and already ahead of schedule. 

To date, more than 2,000 Cambodian students have been awarded Chinese government scholarships to study in China. And each year, nearly 200 Chinese volunteer teachers go to Cambodia to support Chinese language education. 

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Hun Sen and Xiong Bo at the Gala Dinner celebrating 60 years of China-Cambodia relations. (Photo: Zhang Zhiwen)