Russia to quit ISS after 2024: space chief

In this June 2, 2021 file image taken from Roscosmos video, Russian cosmonauts Oleg Novitsky, right, and Pyotr Dubrov, members of the crew to the International Space Station (ISS), perform their first spacewalk to replace old batteries outside the International Space Station. (File photo: AP)

Russia has decided to leave the International Space Station (ISS) after 2024 and will start building a Russian one by that time, said Yury Borisov, director general of Russia's state space corporation Roscosmos, on Tuesday.

"We will focus on creating a Russian orbital station. Nor will we forget about space research," he told Russian President Vladimir Putin in a working meeting.

As for the current international cooperation projects aboard the ISS, Roscosmos will certainly meet its obligations before partners, said Borisov, who was appointed the Roscosmos head earlier this month.

The future of the Russian manned space program should primarily hinge on a well-thought-out plan, he told Putin without disclosing details.