Wang Yi: China 'deeply regrets' that Ukraine crisis is still ongoing

Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi (L) has a virtual meeting with Josep Borrell, EU's high representative for foreign affairs and security policy, in Tunxi, east China's Anhui Province, March 29, 2022. (Photo: China's Foreign Ministry)

Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Tuesday said that China "deeply regrets that the Ukraine military conflict is still ongoing" and reiterated China's commitment for "a door to peace."

Wang made the remarks during a virtual meeting with Josep Borrell, European Union (EU)'s high representative for foreign affairs and security policy, in Tunxi, east China's Anhui Province.

China in its own way has been pushing for the cool-down of the situation and hoping to achieve peace at an early date, Wang said, urging a ceasefire and peace talks.

Highlighting that every country has the right to independently determine its own foreign policy, he said that the old way of Cold War mentality and bloc confrontation is no longer viable in Europe.

Severe sanctions will only hurt people, make the situation more complicated and intensify contradictions, he said.

China's position on the Ukraine issue is clear, he said, stressing the importance of peace, dialogue and negotiation.

"Time will prove that China's position is responsible and can stand the test of history," he said, adding that China is ready to work with all parties to accommodate their legitimate concerns and strive for an early resolution of the conflict and restoration of peace in Europe.

Borrell also called for an immediate ceasefire, adding that the ongoing crisis in Ukraine has severely affected the EU and the world.

The EU representative also called for the establishment of humanitarian corridors and urged that weapons of mass destruction not be used.

He said he hopes China will play an important role in pushing the realization of peace in the area.

The Europe does not seek to change Russia's political system, does not want to see the situation escalate and opposes any form of new Cold War and bloc confrontations, he said.

On EU-China relations, he stressed that the EU remains committed to improving bilateral relations, though the relations currently are facing some specific problems.

He said that the EU remains committed to improving bilateral relations with China and reiterated the EU's adherence to the one-China principle, noting that the EU as a whole and all member states will not and should not deviate from this position.

The EU and China should enhance mutual understanding with the spirit of friendship and cooperation to push for positive outcomes of high-level exchanges in the next stage, he added.