Photo exhibition launched in Geneva to introduce a real Xinjiang region
Global Times

Shewket Imin, director of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, delivers a speech at the ceremony of the photo exhibition entitled

Shewket Imin, director of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, delivers a speech at the ceremony of the photo exhibition entitled "Xinjiang is a wonderful land" held on Monday in Geneva. (Photo: Global Times)

"The door for Xinjiang is open. Welcome to visit Xinjiang to feel its beauty," Chen Xu, China's permanent representative to the UN Office in Geneva, said at the ceremony for the photo exhibition that was held in Geneva to introduce the real Xinjiang region.

Attended by representatives and senior diplomats of more than 30 countries, the ceremony of the photo exhibition entitled "Xinjiang is a wonderful land" was held on Monday in Geneva.

Shewket Imin, director of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, briefed the participants with Xinjiang's latest social and economic development.

The severe situation of Xinjiang suffering from frequent violent terrorist activities has been overturned following the continuous fighting against counter-terrorism and eradication of extremism in Xinjiang. Today's Xinjiang is a place where the society is stable, the economy and livelihood are improved, and the culture is prosperous and the rights of ethnic people are well protected, Shewket said.

Ignoring the historic achievements Xinjiang made in human rights, anti-China forces in the US and the West have fabricated and spread numerous rumors and lies related to Xinjiang, seriously damaging the image of Xinjiang, Shewket noted.

Through numerous photos of Xinjiang, the exhibition showcases the region's prominent achievement in respecting and guaranteeing human rights, aiming to introduce a real Xinjiang to the world, Shewket said.

Chen also noted that Xinjiang adheres to the people-centered philosophy of human rights and takes the aspiration of people of all ethnic groups for a better life as its goal. With unremitting efforts, unprecedented achievement has been made in Xinjiang, but some countries and anti-China forces fabricate and spread Xinjiang-related disinformation for political purposes, in an attempt to tarnish China's image, undermine stability in Xinjiang region and contain China's development. Such despicable attempts are doomed to fail, Chen noted.

"The door of Xinjiang is open. Welcome to visit Xinjiang to feel its beauty," Chen told diplomats who were present at the event.

Watching the photos on show, many participating diplomats said they could feel how people in Xinjiang enjoy the happy life there and hope to visit or revisit Xinjiang.

Shewket Imin, director of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, interacts with diplomats attending the ceremony of the photo exhibition entitled

Shewket Imin, director of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, interacts with diplomats attending the ceremony of the photo exhibition entitled "Xinjiang is a wonderful land." (Photo: Global Times)