Air New Zealand crews test positive for COVID-19

WELLINGTON, March 28 (Xinhua) -- Air New Zealand said on Saturday that eight crew members have tested positive for COVID-19.


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A spokesperson from Air New Zealand said that eight Air New Zealand employees have tested positive for COVID-19, including one who has now recovered.

The eight confirmed cases are among the 451 confirmed or probable cases of COVID-19 in New Zealand.
The spokesperson said that all eight employees work on the company's long-haul fleet and operated sectors to Los Angeles or London.
It is understood that they have been self-isolating at home while contact tracing have been undertaken.
"None of these staff have flown since being diagnosed positive with COVID-19", said the spokesperson from Air New Zealand.
On Saturday, New Zealand reported 78 new confirmed cases and five new probable cases of COVID-19. Twelve patients are in hospital, including one on a ventilator and one in intensive care.
While most confirmed cases in New Zealand are related to overseas travel, community transmission is also seen in Auckland, Wellington, Queenstown and Hamilton.