UK lowers COVID-19 alert level after steady decrease in cases


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LONDON, June 19 (Xinhua) -- The coronavirus alert level across Britain has been lowered from four to three after a steady decrease in COVID-19 cases in the country, the Department of Health and Social Care said Friday.

Britain's Chief Medical Officers have reviewed the evidence and agreed that COVID-19 alert level should move from level four (a COVID-19 epidemic is in general circulation; transmission is high or rising exponentially) to level three (a COVID-19 epidemic is in general circulation), according to a statement released Friday by the department.

"The UK moving to a lower alert level is a big moment for the country, and a real testament to the nation's determination to beat this virus," said Health Secretary Matt Hancock on his Twitter account.

However, despite the steady decrease in cases across Britain, the CMOs warned that "it does not mean that the pandemic is over."

"The virus is still in general circulation, and localized outbreaks are likely to occur," said the statement.

According to official figures released Thursday, another 135 COVID-19 patients have died in Britain as of Wednesday afternoon, bringing the total coronavirus-related death toll in the country to 42,288. The latest figures will be updated later Friday.