British Airways announces to suspend flights to Cairo for 7 days

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(Photo: AP)

LONDON, July 20 (Xinhua) -- British Airways announced on Saturday afternoon to suspend its flights to Cairo for seven days.

The announcement was made on its website, noting the flights are suspended "as a precaution to allow for further assessment."

No more details were given.

But on the UK government website on foreign travel advice, the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office advises "against all travel to the Governorate of North Sinai, due to continuing criminal activity and terrorist attacks on police and security forces that have resulted in deaths."

"Terrorists are very likely to try to carry out attacks in Egypt. Although most attacks occur in North Sinai, there is a risk of terrorist attacks across the country," reads the advice updated on Saturday.

The Office urges British nationals to remain particularly vigilant and maintain a high level of security awareness in crowded places and at large gatherings in Egypt.

An estimated 415,000 British nationals visited Egypt in 2018.