US business leaders seek to patch ties with China
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Senior US business and policy leaders have established a small group aiming to help rebuild mechanisms of exchange and re-establish a constructive dialogue between the US and China, wrote Maurice Greenberg, chairman and CEO of financial services firm C.V. Starr & Co, in a commentary published in the Wall Street Journal on Wednesday.

The Wall Street Journal published the commentary entitled We Want to Rebuild US Relations With China on Wednesday.

The commentary noted that during the Trump administration, increasing differences and mistrust led to a deteriorating state of affairs between the US and China, destabilizing bilateral ties.

Given the fact that the US-China relationship is the most important bilateral relationship in the world and the two countries have a long history of collaboration, the group is much called for "to help foster a measured but frank exchange between the US and Chinese governments on issues of mutual concern."

"It is in our national interest, now more than ever, to do all we can to improve US-China relations," wrote Greenberg.

A view of the Nansha Port in Guangzhou, South China's Guangdong Province. (Photo: Xinhua)

Greenberg also said the initiative was encouraged by an announcement from Secretary of State Antony Blinken that the Biden administration stands ready to increase direct communication with Beijing.

"Business leaders from both countries can achieve positive outcomes despite their differences," Greenberg stressed. "We are confident that like-minded people in China would embrace the opportunity to work together to find solutions."

Founding members of the group include important figures such as Craig Allen, president of the US China Business Council, Max Baucus, former US ambassador to China, William Cohen, former secretary of defense, and Thomas Donohue, former president and CEO of the US Chamber of Commerce.

(Compiled by Chen Rui)