Egypt doubles quarantine period for returnees; COVID-19 cases hit 536
By Zhou Zhou
People's Daily app


 Nile river boat MS River Anuket docks in the city of Luxor in southern Egypt, March 7, 2020. The ship, carrying some 100 mostly foreign tourists is under quarantine after 12 people tested positive for the new coronavirus. (Photo: AP)

Cairo (People’s Daily) -- Egypt’s Health Ministry announced on Friday home quarantine periods for those returning from abroad would be extended from 14 to 28 days.

The country has ordered all health directorates across the country to follow up on returnees, their families, and anyone they have had contact with, while also overseeing necessary isolation measures in their homes.

41 new COVID-19 infections and six fatalities were confirmed in Egypt by Friday evening, said a statement from the country’s health ministry.

The number of cases nationwide hit 536, including 30 fatalities, and 116 fully recovered patients.