2.2 mln doses of Sinovac COVID-19 vaccines arrive in Myanmar

YANGON, March 30 (Xinhua) -- More than 2.2 million doses of Sinovac COVID-19 vaccines donated by China through the COVAX Facility arrived in Myanmar's Yangon on Wednesday, according to the Information Ministry.

Vials of Myancopharm COVID-19 vaccine are seen on a production line at Myanmar Pharmaceutical Industry in Yangon, Myanmar, March 23, 2022. (Xinhua/U Aung)

According to the figures released by the Health Ministry, more than 49.7 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines had been administered in the country and more than 21.8 million people have been fully vaccinated as of Tuesday.

Besides, over 1 million people in the country had received a booster as of Tuesday.

The Southeast Asian country reported that the number of COVID-19 infections has increased to 611,448 with 19,430 deaths in the country on Wednesday, the ministry's data showed.