Peaceful Rally at Trafalgar Square supports Hong Kong Police
By Qiang Wei
People's Daily app


(Photo: People's Daily app)

Hundreds of overseas Chinese gathered at Trafalgar Square in London to show support for the Hong Kong Police and oppose separatists on Sunday.

Participants waved Chinese national flags and raised slogans saying "Support the Hong Kong Police", "Against Violence", among others. Many Chinese visitors to the square were attracted and joined the rally. People sang the national anthem again and again and chanted "Love China, Love Hong Kong, No violence."


(Photo: People's Daily app)

The organizer of the rally, Mr. CT Tang OBE, the Chair of the London Chinatown Chinese Association said, "Some of the British media’s reports of Hong Kong are not true. We hope to express our wish to oppose violence and support Hong Kong through this rally, so that more British people would know the true situation.”


(Photo: People's Daily app)


(Photo: People's Daily app)