AU calls for lifting economic sanctions on Sudan

ADDIS ABABA, Sept. 7 (Xinhua) -- The African Union (AU) on Saturday urged concerned countries to lift all economic sanctions on Sudan in line with its decision to lift the suspension of the participation of Sudan in the AU's activities.


Outside view of the African Union Conference Center and Office Complex. (File Photo: VCG)

The Peace and Security Council of the 55-member pan-African bloc, in a statement issued on Saturday that followed the council's meeting on Friday, disclosed its decision to lift the suspension of the participation of Sudan in the AU's activities. It also urged other concerned actors to follow suit.

"The Council decides accordingly, and in conformity with Article 7 of its Protocol and Article 26 of the African Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance, to lift the suspension of the participation of Sudan in the AU's activities," an AU statement issued Saturday read.

It also called on the "countries concerned to lift all economic and financial sanctions on Sudan, including removing Sudan from the list of countries sponsoring terrorism, with a view to enhance the economic activities of the country and encourage foreign investments."

The council "strongly appeals to the broader international community to support the efforts of the AU to this end."

It reiterated its "full support" to the Sudanese Transitional Government and encourages them, as well as all other stakeholders, to work towards its successful conclusion, notably the organization of free, fair and transparent legislative and presidential elections that will mark the end of the transitional period.

The council further appealed to all AU member countries, the United Nations and all partners to continue providing their support, including mobilization of financial and humanitarian assistance to Sudan, specifically at this critical juncture, with a view to rebuild a peaceful Sudan, as well as creating conducive conditions for economic recovery.   

The AU urged the need to maintain the momentum in Sudan's peace process under the notion of African solutions to African problems.

The AU decided to suspend Sudan's membership and freeze all its activities until power is transferred to civilians on June 6 this year.